Sunday, May 23, 2010

Oh PICU, how I've missed You...

Just wanted to update everyone on where we are and James' condition.... We are still in Childrens and have already passed the 1 month mark... James was off the ventilator after only two weeks of being on it... Yay!!! He was doing so well the first week off the vent, but things have progressively (though slowly) gotten worse... He was sent to the 9th floor into a regular room last Sunday, and since then has required 2 blood transfusions and went through another fever cycle...

Yesterday we tried to do some breathing tests on him to see how well he would do off the c-pap machine, and he failed... He only lasted about an hour and then it took him 2 hours to recuperate from the whole incident... He ended up resting well through the night and even had an ok morning... But by noon he was starting to work harder and harder to breathe... His heartrate starting rising and not coming down, his temperature started going up, his respiratory rate was in the 60's!!! The doctors, nurses and respiratory therapists did everything they could on the 9th floor,they were suctioning deep down his nose and throat and pulling out huge blood clots and they don't really know where they are coming from... so they thought it would be in James' best interest to come back down to the PICU... So, here we are...

They missed us down here. Right now there are blood and other tests pending and more to be done first thing in the morning... I will try to keep everyone posted as these days progress... Please keep praying as I know you have... And he'll keep fighting, as he always does...

Love <3

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