Friday, March 19, 2010

Just another day...

I am having a really bad week... I don't know what's different this week as opposed to every other week, but... I've been crying a lot. I've reached the point where I feel like everything I'm doing is completely WRONG... Like God made a mistake when he "chose" me to take care of James, and Joseph for that matter.

I can't keep up with laundry, dishes, etc... I would rather sit on the couch and watch a movie with the boys than clean... I don't think any person really LIKES to clean, but "normal" people find a reason to get off their a$$es and I just can't seem to find the motivation anymore. Am I depressed, um probably... Overstressed? Maybe just a little. I just don't get it... I want it done, I do... But I just can't drag myself to do it. I'm worn out, exhausted, depressed, sad, mad, frustrated, pissed off, angry, annoyed, irritated, resentful and every other feeling you can imagine...

My Mom is trying to help us get more organized. But I just don't know where to start... Maybe I do just need her to kick me in the tush to get me started... I don't know. I am feeling better today than I was two days ago... I cried all day on Wednesday. Don't know why... Joe would ask what was wrong, and I honestly and truly couldn't say. Maybe I just needed a good cryfest week... We'll see... I hope it just keeps getting better rather than worse. I know I'll have my "days," but hopefully not weeks like this one. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. You have a RIGHT to feel ALL of these things (and than some). You are NOT lonely as this feels right now, I hope you know that you are NOT alone. You and Joe are BOTH doing a phenominal job with both boys...God couldn't have chosen any better for either of them. If I could wave a magic wand and take away all of your pain, grief, saddness and make our sweet baby James all better I would have done it months and months ago...but since I cannot change what is, I can only try to help when, where and how you want me to. I love and adore you and I know you are ONE HELLUVA woman, mom and daughter...I hope you find peace...awake and asleep...I love you so much
