Friday, April 9, 2010


Sooo... We had the most AMAZING Easter celebration this year... We decided to get the whole family together (my side and Joe's) to not only celebrate James' first Easter, but also his first birthday...

It's all pretty bittersweet. James turning 1, not knowing what the future holds or how many more Easters or birthdays he will actually see. And I could tell, as some people said goodbye to head home (however many miles they were going), they wondered if this would be the last time they would see him, and it breaks my heart. I'M the lucky one... I get to spend every moment of EVERY day with him...

Total, we had about 70 family members and close friends here... Lots of cooking, tons of great food... It was so great to see everybody come together, feuds forgotten, words forgiven. If only everyone lived like that everyday... Don't sweat the small stuff, don't hold grudges, who knows who will be here with us tomorrow... Sometimes it gets me, how much time people waste being angry or bitter...

Don't they REALIZE how precious every single DAY is?!?!?!?!


  1. Nichole, this is why I have believed since the day I met you, that God gave James to you for a reason! You amaze me with your insight every time you write. I don't know if I could feel that way if my little boy was so sick, but you are amazing!! We SHOULD live like that every day, but how wonderful is it that you have someone like James to show you that? He was put on this earth for a reason and he was given to you and Joe for a reason and I just think that you and your family are the best:) I miss being able to see you and hope that we will be able to see each other again someday. You inspire me and make me want to be a better mom and a better person. Thank you! Take care of yourself and give everyone a hug from me!


  2. I wish I could either visit you more often or move to Colorado so we can have more days like the night before your wedding or our trip to target. I love you so much and i feel like i have a very close special connection with you. We may not talk to often but when we do I honestly do cherish it. The other day someone said I was a strong woman and I got a little upset because I know I am nothing compared to you... and to me, you are one of the single most amazing women I know. I am blessed as it is to know you, i am blessed 100-fold because we share the same blood. I try to find ways to understand how you are simply amazing with James and Joseph and I can never truly understand. I think you are one in a trillion truly and honestly because i know I am not as strong as you are and I dont think I will ever meet another person in my lifetime that is as amazing as you. I really hope that i will be half the mom you are raising Mikelina. I love you to death!! And please know that i am ALWAYS here for you no matter what time it is or what you need me for. Love you and all 3 of your boys forever and always!! my love, hugs, kisses and prayers are with you every day
